Friday, July 31, 2009

New Sample: Report_PseudoGraphs


by A.D. Tejpal

Explanatory Notes This sample db demonstrates simulated graphs on access reports, using a single text box for a given series. The following situations are covered:
  1. Monthly salary as per scales notified from time to time. For a given month and year, the most recent scale notification upto that month year becomes applicable. Whenever there is a change in salary from one month to the next, different back color is assigned so as to facilitate visual appreciation.
  2. Room bookings.
  3. Score sheets for star war games depicting the initial count of units for engine impulse, engine warp-1, engine warp-2 and superstructure. Depending upon field values in source table, series of numbered boxes are depicted.

Note: (a) Simulation of graph using a single text box is implemented by suitable manipulation of report's MoveLayout property. (b) In form F_Salary, the technique for programmatically positioning specific block of records appropriately in the display window of subform control showing notification of salary scales, is also demonstrated. (c) In order to keep sample data for salary scales current with respect to the present year, update query named Q_SalaryMaster_UpDt is executed via load event of form F_SwitchBoard. While undertaking practical adaptation of this sample db, this statement should be disabled.

You can find the sample here:


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