Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Sample: Form_Treeview


By: A.D. Tejpal

This sample db demonstrates treeview control with two way synchronization visa-vis conventional form. Two styles of treeview control are covered as follows:

1 - Employees organization chart:

  • 1.1 - Treeview at left shows the organizational set up in hierarchical style, department-wise, as per chain of command, while the adjacent subform at right displays the same information in conventional style.
  • 1.2 - Name of employee in current row of subform is highlighted in light green. Name of top boss for this employee is highlighted in light maroon while all intermediate superiors in the chain of command reaching up to current employee are highlighted in light orange.
  • 1.3 - In synchronization, corresponding nodes in treeview (current employee, top boss and intermediate superiors of current employee) get highlighted in colors matching those in 1.2 above.
  • 1.4 - Treeview - Drag and Drop feature:
    Any employee node can be moved to another employee or department node. The resulting change in command structure gets reflected promptly in the treeview as well as the subform. If an employee node is dragged to empty space within treeview control (instead of specific destination node), a new department gets added, with the dragged employee designated as top boss in that department.
  • 1.5 - Complete two way synchronization between treeview and the subform (Navigation / Editing):
    For navigation as well as editing, the treeview and subform are mutually synchronized. Any action on treeview is reflected on corresponding record in the subform and vice versa.

2 - Student grading:

  • 2.1 - Treeview at left displays classes and students while the adjacent treeview shows subject-wise grades for current student.
  • 2.2 - Subject-wise grades can be entered / edited conveniently just by clicking the pertinent check boxes.
  • 2.3 - For convenient viewing, as soon as a given class node caption is clicked or navigated to (say by Up / Down arrow keys), it expands, displaying all student nodes belonging to that class. Simultaneously, all other class nodes get collapsed.
  • 2.4 - Complete two way synchronization between treeview and the subform (Navigation / Editing):
    For navigation as well as editing, the treeview and subform are mutually synchronized. Any action on treeview is reflected on corresponding record in the subform and vice versa.

Note: For editing the label caption for employee or student nodes in the above treeviews, select the node by clicking on its label. Thereafter, click again so as to make the contents editable.

You can find the sample here:


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