Monday, February 1, 2010

Union Query: Part 1

Simple Union Query


In Microsoft Access, a Union Query is an SQL Specific query, which means it can only be written in SQL. It cannot be created or edited in the Access Query Builder. Novices often confuse UNIONS with JOINS.

Joins (see What is a Join: Part 1 and subsequent posts) combine two (or more) tables row-wise, that is, the results of matching information will be displayed on a single row.

Unions, on the other hand, combine tables column-wise, that is, the results of one SQL statement will be "appended" to the results of another as additional rows. In essence, a Union sticks the results of one query on to the bottom of another.

The structure of a Union Query is very simple. It is two or more queries with the UNION keyword in between. For instance:

SELECT Field1, Field2 FROM Table1
SELECT FieldA, FieldB FROM Table2

As you can see from the example, the field names do not need to be the same. The column name in the result will come from the first query. The fields don't even need to be the same datatype. In the query above, Field1 could be an integer, Field2 a date/time, FieldA a text field, and FieldB a currency field.

The only real requirement is that there must be an equal number of columns in each of the component SQL statements. If there are different numbers of fields in the field lists, an error will occur.

One important thing to remember about the Union is that it is non-updateable (for more on this see: (This Recordset Is Not Updateable. Why?). As a result, Unions are useful for displaying data, but not for entering or editing it.

Union Example

One of the most common uses for a Union query is to consolidate tables.
For example, imagine a situation where you have similar datasets from 2 different sources, and you want to consolidate/synchronize/merge them:


CustomerID CreditLimit
---------- -----------
1001       $500
1010       $350
1017       $375


CustomerID CreditLimit
---------- -----------
1008       $600
1017       $375
1020       $425

This query:

SELECT CustomerID, CreditLimit FROM TableA
SELECT CustomerID, CreditLimit FROM TableB

Will produce this result:

CustomerID CreditLimit
---------- -----------
1001       $500
1008       $600
1010       $350
1017       $375
1020       $425

The Union combines the two tables, while at the same time removing the duplicate records. The Union also sorts the recordset on the first column, in this case CustomerID.

Since TableA and TableB have the same number of fields, I could also have done this:


To actually consolidate the tables into a single table, save the query (say, CustomerUnion), then use it as the table in a Make-Table query.

SELECT * INTO TableC FROM CustomerUnion;

Or use the Union Query in the "From" clause of the Make-Table:

AS CustomerUnion;

(I'll discuss using a query in the From clause in more detail in a later post.)

Other Uses

There are many applications for the Union Query. One is in the Access implementation of a Full Outer Join (which I will address in a later post). But one very common use is in the Row Source of Combo Boxes.

Suppose I have a combo box to filter records on a form by Customer Name.

My Row Source for the combo could look like this:

SELECT CustomerID, CustomerName FROM Customer;

But suppose I want the combo to have an option to choose all records.

I can use a Union query in the Row Source to add artificial records to the drop down list:

SELECT "*" as CustomerID, "All" as CustomerName FROM Customer
SELECT CustomerID, CustomerName FROM Customer;

This will produce a result of

CustomerID CustomerName
---------- -----------
*          All
1010       Carlson
1017       Smith

With CustomerID as the bound column in the combo box, I can use a query like:

WHERE CustomerID Like '" & Combo1 & "'"

to filter my form.

Next time, I'll look at some advanced topics with Union Queries.


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