Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Access 2010 Web Databases: Other Compatibility Errors

This article has moved: Access 2010 Web Databases: Other Compatibility Errors


  1. Here discussing about how to convert an existing Access application to a web application. This will help in future.

  2. This Access-to-Web concept is interesting and I can see a huge demand for it. However, Microsoft really needs to develop the technical migration guidelines including details as posted above.
    It's ridiculous that all developers are going to be tripping-up on the same issues.

  3. @ M Simms

    I agree, but we've been assured this technology is in its infancy, and Microsoft is committed to improving it in future versions. What direction that takes, remains to be seen.

  4. Excellent information. Many thanks for posting this series of blogs.

    As has been mentioned, it's a shame Microsoft don't make easily available this sort of valuable information.

  5. how do i post access database on the web if I do not have sharepoint

  6. @Anonymous,

    Unfortuneately, you can't. Sharepoint is required for Access Web databases.

  7. I would just like to say these blogs are awesome! Most helpful info I have found regarding the migration of an Access 2007 database to SharePoint 2010!

  8. Thanks for this article Roger. I've been designing dbases in Access for years, and eventually (2006) got away from the evil lookup fields in tables....only to discover that, from what you have stated, Microsoft have now made them "mandatory" if you want to publish to the web using Microsofts Sharepoint......I think I'll switch to Oracle.

  9. Your blog post were excellent in importing my database to sharepoint 2010. I did have an issue with publishing because my server was on a local connection, i was using an IP to publish. that created the an error occurred while initializing the access services database. for now, i modified the HOST file on my win7 to point to a named dns.

    hope that helps those who are stuck!

  10. @Steve

    Moving to Oracle may be premature. I'd wait until the next version of Access.

  11. @ Admin

    Thanks for the addtional information. I'm sure it will be useful to someone.

  12. I'm creating a simple small database that need to have SharePoint accessibility. I'm getting a Web Compatibility issue ACCWeb107019 stating Property value should be set to 'Yes' to be compatible with the Web.
    I got the error by creating a subform to link two tables (each has an AutoNumber ID) the issue is from the subform [NAME_ID] linked to the main form [ID].

  13. Roger, I'm new to putting Access in SharePoint... I've read through your blog and I'm still confused as to how users in SharePoint actually utilize the database. My forms were useless as you stated when they came across as all the relationships were gone even though I linked them through a lookup. The entire client form was gone! Now I'm getting a recordset error when I link them... sometimes the records actually link and sometimes they don't... weird... can you help out?

    1. Honestly, I can't. As I stated in the link at the top of the article, 2010 web database technology is a dead end. I haven't worked with it in years and I don't recommend starting a new project with it. However, there is a very active board for Access web apps at
