Monday, July 19, 2010

New Sample: Form_TreeView_BOM


by A.D. Tejpal

This sample db demonstrates extraction of complete hierarchical chain of sub-assemblies and components for the selected item. The user can select the desired item either by selection via combo box or by using the navigation buttons on the master subform at top left, bound to the master table T_PartMaster. Fields PartName and UnitPrice are available for user interaction (i.e. editing or new entry). UnitPrice is to be entered only for base parts (items which are not meant to have any child assemblies or components)

For the selected item, complete hierarchical chain of sub-assemblies and components gets displayed in the lower subform at right. For base parts, total quantity as well as total price are also shown in respective columns. Summary information (like maximum nesting levels, number of distinct assemblies and base parts as well as total cost of base parts needed for the selected item) gets depicted in label caption at top of this subform. For convenient analysis, the user can select any of the following styles of display, via option group below this subform:

(a) All parts (Complete hierarchical chain).

(b) Assemblies only - arranged as per relevant nesting level.

(c) Assemblies only - Straight.

(d) Base parts only - arranged as per relevant nesting level.

(e) Base parts only - Straight.

Simultaneously, the hierarchical chain of sub-assemblies and components gets depicted as tree view. Total cost of base parts (i.e. items which have no child assemblies or components) also gets depicted at bottom of tree view. Contents of tree view remain in step with the latest selection (out of five listed above) in option group.

Also, there is two way synchronization between tree view and the lower subform at right. If the user selects any node in tree view, corresponding record in subform becomes the current record. Conversely, if the user navigates to any record in the subform, corresponding node in tree view assumes selected state. PartID of matching record in the subform gets highlighted in a manner similar to the shade signifying selected node in treeview.

As the user navigates through master subform at top left, the contents of tree view as well as the two subforms at right keep getting updated as per current selection (treating current PartID on master subform as the top item for which hierarchical chain is to be extracted).

You can find the sample here:


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