Friday, November 5, 2010

Office DEVCON in Australia

Today, I'm in Australia, speaking at the Office DEVCON 2010.  I'm very excited to be asked to present here and it's a wonderful opportunity to see Australia.

My topic is: Data Warehouse in Access. Ridiculous?  Not so! 

The premise is that there is nothing inherent in the definition of a data warehouse that excludes the use of Access as an implementation platform.  Certainly, Access has limitations of size and speed, and I'm not proposing its use as an Enterprise Data Warehouse.  What I am proposing, however, is you can use the principles of data warehousing (dimensional model, calculated columns, etc) to make a super fast reporting database for your transactional system, especially with respect to aggregate data reporting.

There are two sessions.  Part 1 discusses the structure of an Access data warehouse (or data mart if it makes you more comfortable).  Part 2 discusses various methods of reporting from your warehouse/mart.

For those interested, the session PowerPoint presentations and accompaning articles can be downloaded here: (3 MB) (3.7 MB)

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