Monday, February 7, 2011

Begin Date and End Date from Effective Date

So far in this series on Domain Functions, I've discussed the general syntax (Domain Functions Demystified) and problems involved in building criteria expressions (Domain Functions Demystified: Criteria Expressions). Unfortunately, many of the examples I've given are relatively trivial. So for my next few blog posts, I thought I'd give what I consider truly useful applications of domain functions.

Other Examples:
  1. Simulate AutoNumber with DMax
  2. Running Sum with DSum
  3. Numbered Query with DCount
  4. Rolling Average with DAvg and DCount
  5. "Difference Between" with DLookup/DMax
Earlier, I looked at the Difference Between query. A similar problem is the BeginDate/EndDate query. Unlike a difference between, which subtracts the value of the previous record from the value of the current record to show the difference, the BeginDate/EndDate query infers the value of the EndDate from the value of the Effective Date in the next record.

For instance, suppose I have a PriceList table where the price for each product is in effect for only a certain date range. But since maintaining a Begin Date and End Date is prone to error, I'd like to simply store an Effective Date in the record. Conceptually, I don't really need both a Begin Date and End Date. A record is in effect from its own Effective Date to the Effective Date (minus 1) of the next row. In other words, consider figure 1below. In row 1, Product 1 is $3 from 1/1/2009 (EffectiveDate) to 12/1/2009 (Effective Date of row 2 minus 1).

So from this data:

Figure 1

I'd like to a create query which would produce following result:

Figure 2

The problem is that SQL does not have positional notation like Excel does. There's no way to simply point to the record following the one you're on. The only way to do it is to somehow identify the next record in terms of the data stored in the record.

For this method to work, I must have a unique record ID. The Autonumber field is ideal for this. It doesn't matter if there are gaps in the sequence, but I have to sort on this field, so there cannot be duplicates and they must be in the order I need displayed. In the above sample, PriceID fits the bill.

The technique is similar to creating a Difference Between Query, but instead of finding the difference between a field on this row and the same field on a previous row, I want to show the value of the field on the NEXT row in the current row.

Over all, I need three steps:

1. Identify the Primary Key of next row.
2. Feed that value to a function (or query) that identifies the next date value,
3. Display the next date value on the current record (manipulating as necessary)

DMax Method

Domain Aggregate functions are an Access-only method to return statistical information about a specific set of records, whether from a table or query. They have three arguments: 1) an expression that identifies a field, 2) a string expression that identifies a domain (that is, the table or query), and 3) a Criteria, which is essentially an SQL Where clause without the word WHERE.

Here are the steps:

I need a DMin function to return the PriceID of the next record in the table:

DMin("PriceID","PriceList","ProductID = " & [ProductID] & " And PriceID > " & [PriceID]

Next, I'll feed that to a DLookup function, which will return the date value from the next row given number of records.

DLookUp("EffectiveDate","PriceList","PriceID = " & DMin("PriceID","PriceList","ProductID = " & [ProductID] & " And PriceID > " & [PriceID]))

Lastly, I'll subtract 1 from [EffectiveDate] of the current record and give the column an alias:

DateAdd("d",-1,DLookUp("EffectiveDate","PriceList","PriceID = " & Nz(DMin("PriceID","PriceList","ProductID = " & [ProductID] & " And PriceID > " & [PriceID]),0))) AS EndDate

The full query, looks like this:

SELECT PriceID, ProductID, EffectiveDate AS BeginDate, DateAdd("d",-1,DLookUp("EffectiveDate","PriceList","PriceID = " & Nz(DMin("PriceID","PriceList","ProductID = " & [ProductID] & " And PriceID > " & [PriceID]),0))) AS EndDate, Price
FROM PriceList

The NZ() function is needed to prevent the last row of a group from displaying an ERROR.

The Order By clause in the query is important. This will sort the query on the PriceID field. I'll need to have that order to use the criteria argument in the DMin.

It is not necessary that the Order By field is an unbroken sequence. As long as that field has unique values and is sorted, it will work.

Figure 3a: Shows the calculated EndDate with NULL for the end date of the last record in the group.

This, of course, accurately represents the data because I don't know the end date of the currently effective price. Having a NULL in the field is most correct from a design standpoint. However, null values are difficult to query, so it is easier from a practical standpoint to put an actual value in the end date that is far in the future. I usually use 12/31/9999 for a future date that's not likely to become obsolete any time soon.

I can easily accomplish this with another NZ function:

SELECT PriceID, ProductID, EffectiveDate AS BeginDate, Nz(DateAdd("d",-1,DLookUp("EffectiveDate","PriceList","PriceID = " & Nz(DMin("PriceID","PriceList","ProductID = " & [ProductID] & " And PriceID > " & [PriceID]),0))),#12/31/9999#) AS EndDate, Price
FROM PriceList

Figure 3b: Shows the calculated EndDate with an artificial end date far in the future in the last record of the group.

Subquery and Outer Join Methods

This query can also be done with a correlated subquery or with an Outer Join, which I may discuss at a later date. However, you can find all three methods on my website in this sample: BeginDateEndDateQuery.mdb.


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