Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Sample: Form_ControlDefaultValues


By A.D. Tejpal

This sample db demonstrates programmatic setting of default values for form controls, covering different data types (Date, Text and Number). Two methods are illustrated as follows:

1 - Concatenation of intended default value into a string assigned as control's default value property.

2 - Generation of intended default value through embedded reference within the string assigned as control's default value property.

For each of the above styles, two alternative modes are demonstrated as follows:

(a) Set defaults as per current record (On editing or double clicking pertinent controls).

(b) Set defaults as per last record (On editing or double clicking pertinent controls - only if the cursor is on last record).

You can find the sample here: http://www.rogersaccesslibrary.com/forum/Form-controldefaultvalues_topic559.html


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