Thursday, June 30, 2011

Microsoft Releases Office 2010 SP1

Office 2010 Service Pack 1 has been released by Microsoft.  See MS Knowledgebase article:  The service pack can be downloaded from the article as well.

The main improvements to Access appear to be in the area of bug-fixes and stability.  There are only three improvements listed in the KB article, but in the downloadable fix list there’s a much longer list of fixes.

Everybody has different priorities, but to my mind, here are some of the more important problems that were fixed:

  • Access does not activate or return the user to the correct Ribbon tab for a previously opened database object when the user returns to that object.
  • Access Wizards are not loaded correctly when "Disable all controls without notification" is selected in Trust Center.
  • The program crashes when you apply a sort to a query that is based on a multi-value field.
  • "Reserved error -5500" occurs when you try to run a cross-tab query that would generate null values in the column names of the query.
  • "Object invalid or no longer set" error occurs when you try to use an ALTER TABLE query to change a field type or size.
  • You cannot relink tables in Access databases that have linked tables to other MDBs/ACCDBs that cannot be found
  • The file format that is displayed in the title bar for Access 2010 databases is "(Access 2007)."
  • Incorrect data is displayed when a user's query has a list that includes a combination of GroupBy and either OrderBy or Where
  • "Invalid precision for decimal data type" or results are truncated when the user runs a crosstab query.

There are also a lot of “crash fixes”, all of which are important.


  1. Since installing Office 2010 SP1 I have had problems ... with the only database that trabjo from the SP1 before tienia not any kind of problem. What probelmas? good when I make some kind of change such as adding a control to the form ... I try it and it works fine ... everything works fine again I do ... I can actually compile the VBA code ... but when I close the base data and open it again the error: "Access to stopped working" this has happened to me and about 6 times, but for the backup is not that we needed to do. It seems that the base is corrupt and can not not even import objects to another new database 2010.

  2. Hi Cisas,
    Exactly what you mentioned happened to me, it crashes repeatitivly.. and the vba seems to be corrupted (actually it is not)
    Anyway, SP1 is not a big deal to access 2010, and nearly add nothing to it.
    To solve the problem completely, go to control panel-->> programs and features-->> turn windows feature on/off and seek SP1 then uninstall it.. then the problem is solved completely and no more craches.


  3. If it works, uninstalling SP1 returns to normal

  4. Your list of fixes for sp1 64 has "You cannot relink tables in Access databases that have linked tables to other MDBs/ACCDBs that cannot be found". This is what is happening to me. I moved my code to a new computer with a different drive setup and the VBA linking of the code no longer works. It gives an error "Object invalid or no longer set." at this statement " Tbl.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Link Datasource") = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & "filename.accdb". I can view the in the immediate window and it lists the previous directory structure from the old computer. I can manually change the links, but would like the code to work as it'll be a problem if a customer runs into the same problem.
    I installed the Office sp1 update and it shows as successfully installed in Windows Update, but I seem to be getting the very error that is stated as being fixed.
