Friday, October 21, 2011

Featured Sample: Training Registration Database

By Roger Carlson

This database is a fairly robust application for registering employees for training classes.  In it, you can create Courses, create Students, create Classrooms, schedule Courses to Classrooms, and assign Students to Scheduled Courses.   Your first stop will be the Main Menu, where you will have the following choices:

Schedule Classes

Clicking "Scheduled Classes" from the Main Menu brings you to the Scheduled Classes screen. It gives you a summary of the classes already scheduled.

From there,  select an Application and a Course Name to see a listing of all the scheduled classes.  You can filter the selection further by choosing the Past Classes or Future Classes buttons.  You can also schedule a new class with the New Class button.

To view or edit a particular class, click the GO> button to be sent to the Scheduled Class Entry screen.

The Scheduled Class Entry screen allows you to view, edit, or a class, and assign students to it.  By default, the fields in BLUE are locked to prevent accidental changes.  To unlock these fields, click the Unlock button.

Below the Class Information, you can assign students to the class.  The student fields are NOT editable (even if you unlock the other fields).  The only editable field is the Attended field to indicate the student attended the class. Even though you can't edit the information in the student fields, you can re-size and re-arraign the fields at run-time.

You can print a Class Roster from this screen and also certificates of attendance.  The certificates are bare-bones versions that you will want to modify for your company.

As you enroll students, the screen will track the number of seats taken and the number remaining.  It will allow you to over-book a class, but will give you a warning when you do.

By default, the Scheduled Class Entry screen shows just the records you selected on the Scheduled Classes screen.  Clicking the Show All Records button (bottom) will fill the form with all the classes for that Application.  You can use the Record Selector buttons to scroll between them.

Schedule Students

The Schedule Students screen allows you to enter students and assign classes in one step. 

The screen opens to the New Record all set for you to enter a new student.  If you want to edit a student, you can select one from the drop down box at the top of the screen.  You can also use the scroll buttons at the very bottom of the screen.  When you enter an existing student, the fields turn BLUE, which indicates they are locked.  This is to prevent accidental changes.  Click the Edit Record button to unlock the fields.

You can also assign classes to students in this form.  Just select the class from the drop down list.  The particulars of the class will appear below in the blue fields.  Thes cannot be edited in this form.  To do so, you must go to the Scheduled Classes screen.


The Reports screen allows you to run various reports.  Each report appears as an item in a listbox.  Select the item and click "Open".

There are two types of reports: 1) Simple Reports and 2) Parameter Reports

Simple reports show the same information all the time.  The "All Courses" report is an example.  It displays all of the current courses offered.

Parameter reports are a little more useful in that the user can select options from a drop down box to limit the output.  The "Classes By Instructor" report is an example.  When you run the report, a small form appears that allows you to choose an instructor.

Simple Reports:  To add a simple report to the Reports List, simply name the report with an "rpt" prefix.  By using a prefix, you can prevent reports (like the "ClassCertificate" report) from showing up in the list.  (ClassCertificate runs from the "Scheduled Class Entry" screen only.)

Parameter Reports:  To add a parameter report to the Reports List is a little more complex.  First of all, you have to create a form which has controls to hold the parameters and reference those controls in the Report Source query.  Next, name the form with an "rpt" prefix.  Lastly, you'll want to name the report itself with an "rpf" prefix.  This will prevent these reports from appearing in the Reports List.

Example:  The form "rptClasses By Instructor" is the form which will run the "rpfClasses by Instuctor" report.  The Record Source for the report (a saved query called: Scheduled Classes Query by Instructor) references the combo box value on the form to restrict the values in the report.

Maintain Information

The Maintain Information screen allows you to edit your reference tables.  In it, you can add or edit Applications, Buildings, Classrooms, Courses, and so forth.  These options will then be available to the drop down lists in the data entry screens.

If you add new reference tables, you'll also want to create a simple edit form for the table.  If you name the form with a prefix of "Maintain ", it will automatically appear in the Table Mainenance list.

The Getting Started screen is a little different from the rest as it allows you to turn the Getting Started screen on and off.

You can find this sample here:


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