Friday, September 7, 2012

New Sample: GetDistance function for Latitudes and Longitudes

By Crystal Long

The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line.  Here is a function to do that.  It does not take curvature or routes into account.
GetDistance Function for VBA

Function GetDistance(pLat1 As Double, pLng1 As Double _
   , pLat2 As Double, pLng2 As Double _
   , Optional pWhich As Integer = 1 _
   ) As Double
'12-13-08, 12-22
   ' calculates distance between 2 points of Latitude and Longitude
   ' in Statute Miles, Kilometers, or Nautical Miles
   ' crystal strive4peac2012 at
   ' pLat1 is Latitude of the first point in decimal degrees
   ' pLng1 is Longitude of the first point in decimal degrees
   ' pLat2 is Latitude of the second point in decimal degrees
   ' pLng2 is Longitude of the second point in decimal degrees
   On Error Resume Next
   Dim EarthRadius As Double
   Select Case pWhich
   Case 2:
      EarthRadius = 6378.7
   Case 3:
      EarthRadius = 3437.74677
   Case Else
      EarthRadius = 3963
   End Select
   ' Radius of Earth:
   ' 1  3963.0 (statute miles)
   ' 2  6378.7 (kilometers)
   ' 3  3437.74677 (nautical miles)
   ' to convert degrees to radians, divide by 180/pi, which is 57.2958
   GetDistance = 0
   Dim X As Double
    X = (Sin(pLat1 / 57.2958) * Sin(pLat2 / 57.2958)) _
      + (Cos(pLat1 / 57.2958) * Cos(pLat2 / 57.2958) * Cos(pLng2 / 57.2958 - pLng1 / 57.2958))
   GetDistance = EarthRadius * Atn(Sqr(1 - X ^ 2) / X)
End Function
You can find this sample here:

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