Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Access 101: Can I Create an EXE from my Access Application?

There is no way to create an EXE from an Access database. However, there is a way to install what's known as the "Access Run-time engine" that will allow the user to run the app without having Access installed on their system. The Run-Time is NOT the same as an EXE. For one thing, anyone who has Access on their system will still be able to open the application in their copy of Access (assuming they have the right version).

The Run-Time engine is installed as an option in the Package and Deployment Wizard. In Access 2000, this wizard came with the Access Developer's Edition. In Access 2003, you can get it in the Office Developer Extensions
( In Access 2007, you can download the 2007 Developer Extensions and Runtime( To run the Wizard, go to the Visual Basic Window, choose Tools, select the wizard, and follow the directions.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating an application that will be used with the Run-time:

1) NEVER use macros. If the macros fail, you don't get the HALT screen, the whole app just crashes.
2) Error trap EVERYTHING. You want a graceful exit from every error. This is good practice regardless.
3) Don't rely on the native Access toolbars or menus. You must provide all functionality yourself. For instance, if you rely on the Find button (binoculars) to search for a record, forget it. This button won't be available to the app when using the Run-time.
4) The install disk created with the wizard will be very much larger than your program. However, in this day of CD burners, this is not the issue it once was.

Now, one thing you can do to keep your users from modifying the application is to convert it to an MDE. This is not an executable either, but it DOES have all of the source code removed. That means the user cannot open a form, report, module, or macro in Design view. Tables and queries can still be modified though.

So between converting the app to an MDE and deploying it with the Access Run-time, this comes very close to the functionality of the EXE you are looking for.

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