Friday, July 31, 2009

New Sample: Report_PseudoGraphs


by A.D. Tejpal

Explanatory Notes This sample db demonstrates simulated graphs on access reports, using a single text box for a given series. The following situations are covered:
  1. Monthly salary as per scales notified from time to time. For a given month and year, the most recent scale notification upto that month year becomes applicable. Whenever there is a change in salary from one month to the next, different back color is assigned so as to facilitate visual appreciation.
  2. Room bookings.
  3. Score sheets for star war games depicting the initial count of units for engine impulse, engine warp-1, engine warp-2 and superstructure. Depending upon field values in source table, series of numbered boxes are depicted.

Note: (a) Simulation of graph using a single text box is implemented by suitable manipulation of report's MoveLayout property. (b) In form F_Salary, the technique for programmatically positioning specific block of records appropriately in the display window of subform control showing notification of salary scales, is also demonstrated. (c) In order to keep sample data for salary scales current with respect to the present year, update query named Q_SalaryMaster_UpDt is executed via load event of form F_SwitchBoard. While undertaking practical adaptation of this sample db, this statement should be disabled.

You can find the sample here:


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Business Case for Micrsoft Access

I read the following article some years ago and just recently ran into it again. It details how Access can be used as a part of an organization's over-all business strategy.

Database Evolution: Microsoft Access within an Organization's Database Strategy
by Luke Chung, President of FMS, Inc.

Here's a part:


There has been a lot of confusion over the role of Microsoft Access within an organization. Sitting between the power of Excel and client server databases, Access extends from simple end-user tasks to mission critical operations. This paper hopes to cover the issues surrounding Access:

  • Why it's become problematic in large organizations including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
  • Where it's appropriate to be used, and
  • Where it's not

It also focuses on the overall principle that most Access applications that become mission critical did not start out that way, but evolved into that role.

Software applications share many similarities with biology and Darwinian forces. Some applications evolve and survive, while others go extinct. Anticipating, rather than fighting, the inevitable process of database evolution and natural selection is the key to using Access effectively within an organization.

Read the rest of it here:

It's well worth it.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Sample: Form_CustomSeriesByDefaultProperty


By A.D. Tejpal

This sample db demonstrates a novel approach involving generation of alphanumeric sequence as per specified prefix, via a common function embedded as default value property of the bound control carrying such values.

As the data entry progresses, the default value keeps incrementing as required, without having to undertake any special manipulation via form's current event. Moreover, it is not necessary to use even other form events like Dirty / Before or After Insert / Before or After Update etc.

The prefix is selected via combo box on the main form. Whenever, a new prefix is selected, the newly displayed default value on the subform gets set 1 higher than the existing highest in alpha-numeric sequence pertaining to the selected prefix. If there is no existing entry with the given prefix, the default value gets set to prefix followed by 000001.

Type of prefix can be selected via the option group as follows:
(a) Prefix by combo box selection.
(b) Prefix as per current year (yyyy)
(c) Prefix as per current year month (yyyymm)

You can find it here:
