Thursday, June 20, 2013

You CAN use quotes as a text value delimiter in T-SQL


Even though I said in a recent post (Access SQL Delimiters vs. T-SQL Delimiters), that T-SQL uses only the apostrophe (') as a text delimiter, that's not entirely true. It IS possible to use the quote (") as a text delimiter, just like Access. To do this, you must set a T-SQL option called QUOTED_IDENTIFIER to OFF. This must be done at the beginning of the pass-through query:


SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE MyTextField="Roger Carlson";


Because T-SQL (and therefore pass-though queries) allow multiple statements to execute, you can turn the option off, and then back on again in the same query.

Please note that I DID set the option back on at the conclusion of the query. That's because it will set it OFF for every pass-though query in this Access session, and you may not want that. It is always best to set an option back the way it was to avoid confusion.

This can be useful when you are converting an Access SQL statement (that has a lot of delimited text values) to T-SQL.

SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE MyTextField IN ("Roger Carlson", "Sue Carlson", "Bob O'Brien");

Instead of replacing the quotes with apostrophes (remembering that Access Query Builder does not have a find and replace feature), you can simply bracket it with the QUOTED_IDENTIFIER option.


SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE MyTextField IN ("Roger Carlson", "Sue Carlson", "Bob O'Brien");


Monday, June 17, 2013

Access SQL Delimiters vs. T-SQL Delimiters

In my earlier post: What are the differences between Access SQL and T-SQL?, I discussed in the differences between Access SQL and T-SQL in general terms. This time, I want to expand upon the differences in how delimiters are used between the two.

Delimiters are generally used around explicit values in SQL statements. By explicit value, I mean a value in one of the fields upon which you are searching. For instance, if I wanted to find the value "Roger Carlson" in a field in my table, I would surround the value in quotes (in Access), as I'll demonstrate a little later on. Different types of data require different delimiters.

As seen in my previous post, it breaks down like so:






  no delimiter

  no delimiter


  " or ' (quote or apostrophe)

  ' (apostrophe)


  # (pound sign)

  ' (apostrophe)




  Delimited Identifiers


  [..] or “..”

Note: For all of the samples I'll be using a simple SQL Server table. Access queries will be against a linked table. T-SQL statement will be as pass-through queries executed in Access. As such, table names in the Access queries will start with 'dbo_', whereas T-SQL table name with have 'dbo.'.






Roger Carlson



Susan Carlson



Bob O'Brien




Numeric values do not require a delimiter at all, in either Access SQL or T-SQL

Access SQL

SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo_MyTable
WHERE MyIntField>=44;


SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE MyIntField>=44;

The SQL statements are identical and they produce identical output:





Roger Carlson



Susan Carlson





Text values do require a delimiter.

Access SQL

The delimiter is either a quote (") or an apostrophe (')

SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo_MyTable
WHERE MyTextField="Roger Carlson";


SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo_MyTable
WHERE MyTextField='Roger Carlson';

This can be useful when the field value itself has a delimiter in it. For instance, if the name is Bob O'Brien, using the quote delimiter will not produce an error, whereas an apostrophe would.

SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo_MyTable
WHERE MyTextField="Bob O'Brien";

(There are of course, other solutions for this, but that's beyond the scope of this post.)


Generally, the only delimiter used is the apostrophe (') -- although there is an exception, which I'll discuss below.

SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE MyTextField='Roger Carlson';

To query a name like O'Brien, you'd double the explicit apostrophe (one of those "other" solutions I mentioned).

SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE MyTextField= 'Bob O''Brien';

Note that this is TWO apostrophes, not a quote.



The date delimiters between Access SQL and T-SQL are also different.

Access SQL

Access uses the pound or hash mark (#).

SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo_MyTable
WHERE MyDateField>=#2/1/2013#;


T-SQL uses the apostrophe ('), just like text values.

SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE MyDateField>='2/1/2013';

In either case, the query engine will interpret the explicit date in US date format, so the above it February 1st, not January 2nd. If the date format is an issue, it's best to use the YYYY/MM/DD format.

SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE MyDateField>='2013/02/01';



Both Access SQL and T-SQL can use wildcards with the LIKE operator to allow the user to query for a character or group of characters anywhere within a text field. For instance, say if I wanted to know just the Carlsons in the table.

Access SQL

In Access, the wildcard most used is the asterisk (*).

SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo_MyTable
WHERE MyTextField Like "*Carlson";

The question mark can be used to act as a wild card for a single character only.


T-SQL uses the percent character (%).

SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE MyTextField LIKE '%Carlson';


Delimited Identifiers

So far, I've only discussed delimiters in regards to explicit values. However, identifiers (that is, table names and field names) also must be delimited when they contain illegal characters like a space or question mark or others. In order for the query engine to recognize a tablename or fieldname with spaces (or other illegal characters) in it, is to delimit it.

Access SQL

In Access, the delimiters for identifiers are the right and left brackets ([…])

SELECT [My Text Field], [My Date Field], [My Int Field]
FROM [dbo_My Table]
WHERE [My Int Field] = 44;


T-SQL has two delimiters available. Left and right brackets ([…]), just like Access, but it can also use the quote marks ("…").

SELECT [My Text Field], [My Date Field], [My Int Field]
FROM dbo.[My Table]
WHERE [My Int Field] = 44;


SELECT "My Text Field", "My Date Field", "My Int Field"]
FROM dbo."My Table"
WHERE "My Int Field" = 44;

Invalid Column Name Error

Now, at best, using the quotes as identifier delimiters is a curiosity, except it explains the odd error message you get when you try to execute an Access query with text identifiers in T-SQL.

If I try to run this query as a pass-through query,

SELECT MyTextField, MyDateField, MyIntField
FROM dbo_MyTable
WHERE MyTextField="Roger Carlson";

I'll get the following message:


Notice that the error is an "Invalid column name". That's because it thinks "Roger Carlson" is a column, not an explicit value.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What are the differences between Access SQL and T-SQL (SQL Server)?

Access SQL and SQL Server's T-SQL have more in common than differences. They share much the same structure, syntax, and many functions. And yet for all that, the differences can be frustrating. There are many times when an experienced Access user will know exactly how to do what they want in Access, but cannot figure out how to do the same thing in T-SQL.

This is especially true when trying to convert an Access query to a Pass-Through query. A Pass-Through query passes the SQL Statement on directly to the Server database (ie: SQL Server, Oracle, etc.). The problem is it must be in the syntax used by the Server database.


Basic Differences

I'll start by just listing the basics, but I'll spend some time over the next few months expanding on them. The following is certainly not exhaustive, but they are differences that cause most of the confusion when first trying to use T-SQL.






  Numeric   no delimiter   no delimiter


  " or ' (quote or apostrophe)

  ' (apostrophe)


  # (pound sign)

  ' (apostrophe)




  Delimited Identifiers   [..]   [..] or “..”


Distinct and DistinctRow

Both Access and SQL Server have the DISTINCT predicate which follows the SELECT, but T-SQL does not have DISTINCTROW.



Both Access and T-SQL use INNER JOIN for inner joins. However, for outer joins, Access uses LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN, while T-SQL uses LEFT OUTER JOIN and RIGHT OUTER JOIN. T-SQL also has a FULL JOIN, which Access lacks. (Note: In the comments, Michal points out that T-SQL can also use LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN.  He’s quite correct.)


Built-in Functions








Cdate(), Clng(), Cint(), etc
















No equivalent



No equivalent

No equivalent





Current Date

Date(), Now()


Domain Aggregate Functions

DMax(), DMin, DCount, DLookup, etc

No counterpart. Must use subqueries.








String Concatenation

&, +



Parameter Queries

Parameter queries as known in Access SQL cannot be converted directly to a Pass-through query. The most common way to simulate parameters is to build the Pass-Through query in VBA code and then execute it.


Great Features of T-SQL you should know about



Access does not allow comments in queries, but T-SQL DOES! This is a great feature of SQL Server. There are two methods of commenting:

  • two dashes ( -- ) comments out a single line
  • blocks of text bracketed by /*…*/ comments out multiple lines



Variables are another thing which Access does not have that T-SQL does. Variables provide another way to parameterize a T-SQL query.


Count Distinct

As mentioned in the Functions list, T-SQL has a COUNT DISTINCT aggregate function, which Access lacks. You can read more about it here: COUNT DISTINCT in Access


Multiple SQL Statement and Temporary Tables

These two things go hand in hand. In Access, a "query" can only have a single SQL Statement. But in T-SQL, you can execute multiple SQL Statements. You can even use a Make-Table query (SELECT..INTO) to create a temporary table, which can be used in subsequent SQL Statements. You can use this feature in an Access Pass-Through query.



There are, of course, many more differences between Access SQL and T-SQL. What I've concentrated on here, are those "gotchas" that crop up when trying to convert an Access query to a Pass-through query in T-SQL syntax. I'll discuss the details of these differences in future posts.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Sample: DataDICTIONARY_DisplayControl_Crystal

By Crystal Long

Zip file contains 2 objects: 1 form and 1 module:

  • f_DataDICTIONARY_DisplayControl
  • mod_crystal_DataDICTIONARY_DisplayControl

You can find this sample here:
Other Samples By Crystal:

How to Use this tool:

Import the DataDICTIONARY_DisplayControl form and module into a working database, then compile and save, then Open the form: f_DataDICTIONARY_DisplayControl



  1. View Data Dictionary for selected table 
  2. Go to Table Design view of selected table
  3. Open table Datasheet View of selected table
  4. Rename selected table
  5. See if there are text or memo fields where Unicode Compression is not set
  6. See an estimate of record width (sum of the data type sizes, taking compression into account)
  7. Change Display Control of selected fields:
    1. Combo and Listbox to Textbox
    2. Integer to Checkbox

Screen Shots

When you first open the f_DataDICTIONARY_DisplayControl form, you will not see much until you choose a table to look at.

Choose Table

 Menu: Data Dictionary, Display Control

 3 Lookup fields, Need Unicode Compression

Rename Tables 

 Rename Table with bad characters

List of Tables with New Name chosen


Delete Lookups

3 Lookup fields to change

Integer to Checkbox

Select Integer fields to set DisplayControl to Checkbox

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How Do I Hide A Form But Leave It Running?

There are times when it is preferable to hide a form, in other words to have it open but invisible.
  1. Global Variables:
    There are circumstances under which global variables lose their values in Access. These circumstances are not common, but they happen often enough to be of concern. One way around this problem is to create a hidden form with unbound controls, each of which would hold the value of one of your global variables. So instead of using a global variable, you set and reference the value of a control on the form.
  2. Timer events:
    If you want run a process at a particular time or multiple times throughout the day, you can create a timer event in a form. This form must be open in order for the timer event to fire. So to keep this form active, but out of the way, you can hide it.
  3. Performance:
    Some forms take a long time to load. This may be because it has a large, bound dataset, or it may be a complex form with several subforms. Whatever the reason, once the form is loaded, it makes sense to not close it again.

There are several ways to hide a form. The one you use depends on what you're trying to accomplish.

If you're using the form for global variables or a timer event (or both), the simplest thing is to open it in Hidden mode. To do that, create a macro and name it AutoExec. (see How do I run a macro or code when the database first starts? ). The AutoExec macro is a special macro that will automatically execute when the database opens. In this macro, you'll want to choose the OpenForm action, name the form, and choose Hidden in the Window Mode property.

Like this:
Access 2010-2013
Access 2000-2007
If some of your forms take a long time to load, however, this is not a good method. It will appear as if Access has frozen while the form or forms load at Start Up. In such cases, it is preferable to create a Splash Screen. A Splash Screen is simply a form which tells the user that the database is opening and to wait. This gives the user feedback and reassures them that everything is functioning normally.

I'll discuss splash screens in a later post.

But once the form is open, it makes sense to hide it rather than close it. To do that, you can use a button. I usually use the button wizard because it creates the button's Onclick event code with error trapping automatically. I use the Form Close wizard, which has a single line of code:


I will replace that with the following:

Me.Visible = False

The next time you "open" the form, it will simply make the already open form visible.   So instead of opening a Form, you can instantly by make the form visible and set the focus on it like this:

Forms("MyFormName").Visible = True


Thursday, April 11, 2013

How do I run a macro or code when the database starts?

Access has a special macro called Autoexec, which automatically executes when the database opens. You can use this macro to do practically anything: open one or more forms in hidden mode, relink your tables, pop up a tickler list, or whatever startup functions your application requires.

At its simplest, simply create a new macro, choose the Actions and associated arguments required, and save it under the name Autoexec. The next time you open your application, this macro will execute.

However, most experienced developers agree that macros are not the optimal solution. Most prefer VBA code to macros. Fortunately, it is simple to convert a macro to VBA code (see: How Do I Convert A Macro to VBA Code?) .

So a much more elegant solution would be to create an Autoexec macro that does what you want it to do. After you test it, convert it to a VBA function.

The conversion will create a new function called Autoexec() in a general module. Next delete all the actions from your existing Autoexec macro and replace it with the RunCode action, with Autoexec() as the function name. Like this:

Access 2010 and 2013


In Access 2000 - 2007

Thursday, April 4, 2013

How Do I Convert A Macro to VBA Code?

Although Microsoft has made great strides in improving the capabilities of macros in Access, most experienced developers agree that Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code is still far superior to using macros in Access client apps. (Web apps, of course, cannot use VBA, so the following is only pertinent to applications that run in the Access Client.)

So suppose you have a completed macro that you want to convert to VBA? Fortunately, Access makes it easy.

Access 2010 and 2013

Open the Macro in Design View


Click the File Tab then

    1. Click Save As
    2. Save Object As
    3. Save As


You will get a pop-up Dialog box.  Give the macro a meaningful name in the top box and in the AS box, choose Module. Click OK.   image

Click OK.  A second box will appear asking you if you want error trapping and comments.


Leave both checked and click Convert.

The macro will be converted and saved in a Module.

' MyMacro
Function MyMacro()
On Error GoTo MyMacro_Err

    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "table7", "table7.xls", True, ""

    Exit Function

    Resume MyMacro_Exit

End Function


In Access 2007

Open the macro in Design View, Click the Office Button (Pizza), Choose Save As, and you will immediately be given the Save As dialog.

A second box will appear asking you if you want error trapping and comments. Leave both checked and click Convert.

In Access 2003 or previous

In the Database Window, right-click on the macro you want to convert and choose Save As. Everything else works the same.